Vertical gardening is a fun and innovative way to grow plants in small spaces. However, choosing the right planting medium is crucial for success. In this article, I'll explore some of the top soil options for vertical planters and hanging baskets. By understanding the pros and cons of each, you can pick the perfect growing medium to bring out the best in your plants.
Alternative Soil Options for Verticulture
Traditional topsoil isn't always suitable for vertical gardens that hang or are elevated. The soil needs good drainage and aeration to prevent overwatering issues. Several soil-free mixes have gained popularity as great substitutes. Let's examine some popular choices:
1. Coir
Coconut coir or coir dust is a sustainable fiber byproduct of coconut processing. It holds moisture well while allowing excess to drain. Coir resists compaction so roots can grow freely. As it's pH neutral, most plants thrive in coir. A drawback is that coir breaks down over time so may need occasional repotting.
2. Perlite
This lightweight expanded volcanic glass improves aeration and drainage in soil. Perlite itself doesn't hold nutrients so is usually mixed 50/50 with potting mix or compost. It keeps the medium lightweight enough for hanging pots. The white color can be visually unappealing in decorative containers though.
3. Vermiculite
Like perlite, vermiculite lightens soil texture while retaining water and nutrients for plant roots. As it slowly releases water, vermiculite reduces watering frequency. A downside is that the mica flakes can float to the surface over time in self-watering pots.
4. Pumice
This porous, non-toxic volcanic rock promotes airflow to roots. Pumice remains buoyant when wet so won't compact down. It has a high porosity for holding nutrients as well. The jagged texture can be rough on tender plant roots though. Washing may be needed to remove dust.
5. Expanded clay pebbles
Also called hydroton, clay pebbles are durable, reusable growing media. Their porous surface area absorbs and releases nutrients. As they don't break down or float, clay pebbles provide stable structure for roots. The pebbles are heavier than other options though and don't improve soil texture as much.
6. Bark and wood chips
Fir, pine, and cedar bark are popular soil additives. As they decompose slowly, bark improves drainage, porosity and nutrient retention over time. Smaller wood chips work similarly. Larger bark pieces may compact unevenly in containers. Introducing fungus or molds is also possible if too wet.
Custom Soil Mixes
Most experts recommend blending two or more of these ingredients to create well-balanced potting mixes. Here are some sample custom mixes suitable for vertical planters:
- Coir, perlite, and compost (1:1:1 ratio): This lightweight, nutrient-rich blend supports growth for a wide variety of flowers and vegetables.
- Coir, vermiculite and worm castings (2:1:1 ratio): The water-holding vermiculite helps the coir retain moisture without over-saturating. Worm castings add microbes and nutrients.
- Sphagnum peat moss, perlite and pumice (2:1:1 ratio): This airy, porous mix is excellent for drainage-loving plants like succulents, herbs and strawberries in hanging baskets.
- Bark fines, sand and clay pebbles (1:1:2 ratio): The small bark particles blend well with hardy media like sand and pebbles to create a well-aerated, nutrient-storing soil for shrubs, trees and woody vines.
No matter the blend, it's important to select ingredients that complement each other's textures. Proper blending ensures the medium drains efficiently while still providing plant nutrients and support. With the right soil mix, even vertical gardens can thrive.
Fertilizing The Soil Mix
While these soil-free mixes provide structure, they usually lack some nutrients plants need long-term. Regular fertilizing keeps your container gardens productive:
- All-purpose water soluble 20-20-20 fertilizer: This balanced fertilizer promotes healthy green growth when mixed into watering cans at 1⁄4 strength every 2-4 weeks during the growing season.
- Organic fertilizers: Compost teas, fish emulsions, kelp or alfalfa meals release nutrients slowly from 1-3 months. They're gentle for frequent use and won't burn delicate roots.
- Slow release granules: Products like Osmocote provide a continuous low dose of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium for up to 6 months per application. Less frequent applications are needed.
- Worm castings and compost: Top dressing the soil surface with these nutrient-dense amendments mimics natural soil building. The microbes they add also improve the medium's structure.
For organic options, follow package instructions carefully as over-fertilizing can still damage plants or the environment. Monitoring your plants and soil pH is also wise to catch any nutrient deficiencies early.
Common Vertical Garden Systems
Now that we understand soil mixes, let's explore some popular vertical gardening setups:
- Hanging baskets: Durable plastic or terracotta baskets in various shapes and sizes hang from hooks, railings or ceiling hooks. They work well for cascading plants like petunias, lobelia and fuchsias. Use a soil mix with moisture retention.
- Rope and twine gardens: Interweaving plants like tomatoes, beans and cucumbers up strands provides visual appeal. Use soil or coir-filled grow bags attached along the lines. Support the weighty vegetables may need additional stakes.
- Modular wall panels: Slotted panels or grids mount on fences or walls for edible herbs, greens or flowers. Individual pockets hold soilless mixes and have reservoirs for self-watering. Great for small patios.
- Ladder gardens: Turn old ladders into creative planters by mounting shelves or hanging baskets along the rungs. They take up little footprint but provide surface for vining crops or trailing plants.
- Living walls: Also called green walls, these large vertical structures incorporate soil, irrigation and plants mounted on frames, panels or gabion structures. Intensive planting brings a garden-like atmosphere indoors too.
- Vertical planter barrels: Wooden or plastic half barrels, old rain gutters or customized planters stacked vertically save space. Include sturdy cross braces and soil mixes conducive to the plants' needs.
No matter the system, choosing compatible plants, adjusting soil mixes as needed, and providing support and irrigation keeps your wall garden looking its best. With some creativity, you can transform empty walls into lush oases.
Top Crops for Vertical Gardens
Once you've selected a system and soil, it's time to pick plants suited to the vertical environment:
- Vining vegetables: Cucumbers, squash, beans and peas climb readily on supports. Their tendrils function like roots for stability.
- Dangling flowers: Petunias, fuchsias, begonias, lobelia and bacopa trail beautifully over edges yet withstand rain and sun well.
- Herbs: Basil, thyme, oregano, mint and parsley thrive in confined spaces and add fragrance when brushed against.
- Strawberries: Their shallow, spreading root systems and fruiting habit make strawberries perfect for hanging baskets or wall pockets.
- Leafy greens: Mustards, lettuces, arugula and kale grow quickly and can be snipped as needed from planters.
- Heat lovers: Tomatoes, peppers and eggplants produce bountifully if given stable support as they size up.
- Everlastings: Flowering annuals like alyssum, pansies and violas bloom continuously through most of the season.
- Foliage: Ivy, creeping Jenny, English ivy and sweet potato vines cover walls densely with lush leaves.
With the right combination of trailing and climbing crops, you can harvest from your vertical edible garden all season long. Be sure to choose disease resistant varieties adapted to your climate too.
Maintaining Your Vertical Garden's Success
While the initial setup requires some effort, regular care keeps your wall garden thriving:
- Inspect weekly for pests or diseases and address issues promptly before they spread.
- Water thoroughly as needed, checking that the soil doesn't stay soggy or dry out completely. Self-watering systems reduce labor.
- Fertilize according to package instructions to replace nutrients removed by growing and harvesting crops.
- Prune off dead or diseased parts and excess foliage or fruits to redirect the plants' energy.
- Stake or tie up weak stems that can't yet support their weight on supports or cages.
- Apply a fresh layer of mulch annually to retain moisture and suppress weeds in the soil surface.
With a little TLC, your vertical garden will provide beauty and fresh produce for many seasons to come.
Selecting the ideal planting medium requires considering a vertical garden's unique design parameters and priorities. Local materials, recycled content, and formulations balancing weight and long-term fertility typically provide the most sustainable options. Both modular and custom media support vigorous vegetation when optimized for conditions. With adjustments over time, vertical gardens become productive green infrastructure beautifying the urban landscape for many years.
I hope these guidelines help you find success with growing up! Please let me know if you have any other questions.
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